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Financial cycle in U.S Stock market

Market Cycle!

Market cycles, also known as stock market cycles, are trends or patterns that occur in different markets or business environments. Some securities or asset classes outperform others during cycle because their business models support growth. Market cycles, between latest highs or lows of benchmark like S&P 500, show funds performance in both up and down markets.

How Markets Cycle Works ?

When meaningful innovation, new products, or regulatory environment create sector or industry trends, new market cycles form. Many call these cycles or trends secular. Revenue and net profits may grow similarly across many companies in an industry during these cyclical periods.

Market cycles are often hard to pinpoint until after fact and rarely have clear beginning or end point, which can confuse or dispute policy and strategy evaluation. Most market veterans believe they exist & many investors trade securities ahead of cycle shifts to profit from them.

Year after year, stock market anomalies occur without explanation.

Special Considerations

Since there are many markets and time horizons, market cycle can last from few minutes to many years.Different careers will examine range differently. Day traders focus on five to minute bars, while real estate investors consider 20 to year cycles.


Market Cycle Types

Market cycles typically have four phases. Different securities react differently to market forces throughout market cycle. Luxury goods like powerboats and Harley Davidson motorcycles outperform during market upswings because people are comfortable buying them. In contrast, consumer durables industry outperforms during market downturn because people dont cut back on toothpaste and toilet paper.

Market cycles have four stages: accumulation, uptrend or mark to up, distribution & downtrend or markdown.

  • Accumulation Phase: After market bottoms, innovators and early adopters buy, thinking worst is over.
  • Mark to up Phase: After market stability, prices rise.
  • Distribution Phase: Sellers dominate as stock peaks.
  • Downtrend: Stock prices fall.

Securities prices and other metrics are used to measure market cycles using fundamental and technical indicators (charting).

Business cycles, semiconductor/OS cycles & interest to rate to sensitive [ Financial cycle  ] financial stocks are examples.

You can invest better by understanding market cycles and emotions.


Life, economy & financial markets cycle. When it comes to market cycles, emotions often interfere. Strong emotions can cloud our judgment and lead us to poor financial decisions that hurt our long to term goals. Understanding market cycles and monitoring our emotions can help us stay on track.

3 Mindful investor steps in Financial cycle

1. Remember that emotions affect decision to making in ways you may not realize. Instead of calculating, people use emotions to make decisions to save time and mental energy. Emotional decisions like “What should I each for lunch?” are fine . But investing for long to term goals may not be.

2. Know that “going with your gut” can make good or bad decisions depending on situation and person. Panicked investors who sell stocks may lose and miss out on future gains. However, emotions can be warning signs, such as nervousness about investing in risky, unfamiliar stock.

3. Practice mindfulness when market is rocky and emotions rise. Mindfulness can take many forms, including meditation, counting your blessings, refocusing on long term, or simply questioning your feelings.

Asking yourself what motivates decision can break cycle and improve results. Mindfulness can help you make financial decisions and manage your emotions during market swings.


Market cycles and our emotions

From 28 months to 10 years, economic cycles vary. Stock market cycles usually predict economic cycles by 6–12 months. Economic growth and market decline are familiar cycles. recurring ebb and flow often catches our emotions.

A long to term asset allocation plan that can be rebalanced to target mix of stocks, bonds & cash is useful when markets change. Such plan can keep you disciplined through cycles to buy low and sell high.

The Top

The top of every market cycle is thrilling. Strong but moderating growth, low unemployment & falling interest rates are currently in place. However, corporate earnings are falling and recession risk is rising. Many investors feel invincible due to growth and buy more stocks. They buy when market peaks.

You may think: Many people make money & we want to too. It may seem like every investment is winner and FOMO is widespread. Watch out for overconfidence now. “Feeling happy can give us false expectations that good times will continue,” says Northeastern University psychology professor and Social Emotions Group director David DeSteno.

What to consider: Most investors should sell stocks to capture gains, especially if their stock allocation exceeds their long to term plan. Buying high to quality bonds may also help prepare for cyclical drops.



The scary descent follows peak. Corporate profits are falling as economy limps toward recession. Investors initially expect bull market to continue. Falling prices cause fear and urge to sell.

You may feel fear and despair as economy shrinks and investors sell their gains. “As fear sets in, we can begin to assume. that market will never fully rebound,” DeSteno says. To avoid losing money, you may want to sell your investments.

Protection and patience are rules now. Cashing out can limit your long to term growth. Investment may make sense if your asset mix matches your goals.

DeSteno advises focusing on gratitude to overcome fear. Science proves gratitude increases patience.”

Hit Bottom

A market bottom is tumultuous and depressing for investors. In this phase, stocks may fall more. Fed cuts offer faint light at end of tunnel. Even with good plan, you may lose. This can be most painful and promising time.


The pain you felt on way down may be exacerbated by regrets for not selling out when markets faltered. Everyone knows someone who sold “before crash” and now theres FOMO 2.0.

What to consider: Perseverance matters. Remember: You did well before downturn; be proud. DeSteno says now is time to invest better. We recommend investing and rebalancing to your target mix of investments rather than cashing out and locking in losses. Stocks sale. Investors in this valley profit when prices rise. Some of biggest market drops have had strong recoveries.


An emerging bull market follows bottom with cautious enthusiasm. economy is recovering, interest rates are low & corporate profits are rising. So are stocks. S&P 500 averages 47% growth year after market bottom. Many investors have checked out, missing early, powerful rebound as market rises.

You may feel: Stock market declines are hard to forget. This may shake your confidence and make you question whether you can invest. Keeping going may give you hope that your investments will recover.

Consider contrarianism. stock market recovers. You recover if you invested. If your stock allocation has fallen below plan, adjust your portfolio to your long to term goal.


Rising again

Investors feel exhilarated and greedy in bull market. economy grows. Stock prices rise. Many investors forget their target mix of stocks, bonds & cash and overinvest in stocks.

What you may feel: Everyone is making money again and every investment is successful. Overconfidence can make investors less cautious during this time.

Asset allocation cannot guarantee profit or avoid loss . But your target asset mix can curb greed and prepare you for next downturn. Selling stocks and buying bonds may rebalance your portfolio.

Planned emotional management

Your emotions and reactions reveal information. Consider how you felt when market fell in February and March 2020. If you sold out of your investments out of fear or anger, you may need to review your financial plan.

Making and sticking to an investment plan is most common secret of successful investors. good plan includes stocks, bonds & cash that match your goals, time horizon & risk tolerance.


Market cycles: how long?

Average market cycles last 6 to 12 months. However, US or global fiscal policy can affect market cycle length. If Federal Reserve drastically cut interest rates, market trending upward could last for years. average is 6 to 12.

Whats Mid to cycle Market?

A strong economy with slowing growth is market mid to cycle. Corporate profits are expected and interest rates are low. Market cycles last longest here.

Some Final Words

Market cycles have an average length . But political and fiscal policy can lengthen or shorten them. Short to term minicycles are common in financial markets . But large market cycles last months or years.

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